Carte Invido - Gabon

County town: Makokou

Population : 63 293 hab.

Density : 1,4 hab./km2

Area : 46 075 km2

Ogooué Ivindo is a province of Gabon (formally, it is indicated by the initial G6). Its Capital is Makokou and secondary cities are Booue, Mekambo and Ovan.
It is located in the North-East of the country and its borders Congo-Brazzaville.
It is the largest province of the country but whose population density is the lowest.
The basement of this province is very rich; the main ore is iron, but there are also gold and other resources.

Histoiry and Culture

These years have marked the history of the Ogooué-Ivindo province:

-1874: The Marquis of Compiègne and Alfred Marche ascended the Ogooué up to the mouth of the Ivindo.
-1883: Booue creation by s. of Brazza;
-1887: Booue became a military post;
-1908: Foundation of Makokou.
-1908: Uprising of Bakota populations; Chief Kiba was sent to jail;
-1912: Makokou becomes a military post;
-1914: creation of Mekambo.
-1936: Booue becomes the capital of the region of Djouah.
-1958: Makokou became the county town of Ogooué-Ivindo province.

Mongongo - Gabon

-Mekambo was called Mekambomoibandomana (meaning men wear a wooden stretcher) ;
-Makokou, Mekoko which means”stones” is related to the presence of rocks at
the origin of a series of falls and rapids in the bed of the Ivindo.
-the Ivindo means “Black River”.

Local Ethnic groups

The Geography

Important natural riches

Ogooué-Ivindo has important natural resources. In addition, the exploitation of gold and iron will be the potential ore in the province. The forest remains insufficiently exploited and is the first renewable wealth of the province.

The forest covers 87% of the total area of the province. However, the Department of the Lopé has many bands of green savannahs in the middle of dense forests.
The terrain is rugged, staked by many mounts which the most important ones are the chains of Mokeko located in the South-West that houses mount Brazza and North-East the Bilinga mount Barnes at 1 024 meters above sea level.

The wildlife

A wild fauna and special flora

A very large part of the vegetation is part of the Congolese guineo forests, dense and moist. Most of the Ogooué-Ivindo surface is made of the a forementioned forests that are old or very old, but on the Ipassa plateau they are disturbed and lowered standards in frequent tornadoes. A special flora is part of the various falls of the Ogooué-Ivindo. The fauna of the Ivindo national park has more than a hundred mammals, including primates, carnivores, gorillas, chimpanzees. The avifaunas contains more than three hundred species, among which is the Rockfowl of Cameroon. The the Langoué bai allows certain times of the year to safely observe the sitatunga, elephant,Buffalo and the Gorilla without disturbing them.

Special features

Iron and Copper bracelets were used as currency.

In Makokou the first white man was “released on the side of the brother” (from Gabon), the second “on the side of the sister” (from Congo). The SHO is established at the mouth of the Ivindo, where goods were transported by pirogues until the fall Kongoue. These were the powder guns, axes, machetes,knives, the neptunes, loincloths. The Kota sold in Exchangefor ivory, rubber, of cabris, chickens. Then came military men (Captain Faubert), the center for the trade moved to Booue, and it required porters.

Tourism in Ogooué-Ivindo

An exceptional destination

There are several tourist sites in Ogooué-Ivindo :
-The different falls and cascades on the Ogooué: falls of Booue and the island of remembrance made up of rocky islets covered with very dense vegetation, a nice place for relaxing.
– The falls on the Ivindo (notably between Makokou and the Ogooué) where a series of falls and cascades alternate on 280 kilometers. These are: Kongou, Mingouli, Tsengueleledi.

Four national parks, with a total area of 966,50 hectares, representing 20.96 % of the total area of the province, are organized in the following way:

-Lope: 484,184 hectares with the highest concentrations ofmandrill monkeys;
-Ivindo: 327,400 hectares, with the presence of elephants and big gorillas having never seen man, as well as beautiful waterfalls;
-Mwagna: 116,476 hectares, houses the large bai (clearings),gorillas and elephants;
-Minkébé: 38,436 hectares located in the Ogooué
-Ivindo on a total of 756,669 hectares including a large intact forest blockand a giant inselbergs overlooking the forest.

The presence of 4 national parks makes the Ogooué-Ivindo province, an exceptional destination.


The majestic Kongou falls

Kongou falls are located on the Ivindo River, in the Ogooué-Ivindo province in Gabon. These are the biggest in CentralAfrica among the most powerful in the country.

Their height is estimated at 50 meters. They are in the heartof the Ivindo National Park, Unesco World Heritage site candidate.

They are accessible by river after 3 h to 4 h navigation between Rapids and meanders. Kongou falls are among the most spectacular waterfalls in Africa, they spread on almost a kilometre long and contain many gorges and canyons. You will offered an exceptional experience with expert boatmen.

The Kongou falls is one of the most beautiful waterfalls in the world which is full of mysteries where natural orchids grow. There are some endemic snakes found anywhere else like the Viper with two horns.