Monts de Cristal national park

The richest forest in terms of plant species reserve in Africa

Date of creation : 2002

Area: 1200 km2

Maximum height : 900 m

Natural Habitats : Forêts pluviales à reliefs

Province : Estuaire

Neighboring towns : Libreville, Ntoum

Neaby airport : Libreville

– Site critique de l’UICN pour la conservation, un des deux centres de diversité végétale de l’écorégion de forêt atlantique côtière

Saison sèche de Novembre à Mars.

Located at 3h from Libreville, the national park of Monts de Cristal with a surface of 1200km2 , is made of great blocks of rainforest with botanic wealth.

An usual rich life

The high hygrometry of the air of the mountains has laid to a particularly rich flore to bloom there since dozens of thousand years . The Mont de Cristal National Park is considered by many botanists as the one containing the great diversity of plants of all Africa, particularly for trees and flowers (begonias , impacients and orchid).

Water trapped in the forest foam is liberated slowly , regularly and without any sedimeents,benefiting thus to men and animals.
In the park, there are hydroelectric flood barriers of Kinguelé and and Tchimbele that supply the city of Libreville with electricity.

An incredible diversity of butterflies

The national Park of Monts de Cristal is so rich with orchid, begonia and other trees, but the day butterfly species number is higher in that place than other places in Africa, with many mountain species that we only find there and in Equatorial Guinea. When the weather is cloudy, hundreds of butterflies get out for feeding and reproduction. Some of them are unique as the euphaedra brevis , the cymothoe or the graphium augrier.

Good to know

With its coolly temperatures, the national park of Mont de Cristal constitutes a relaxing place for residents and tourists from Libreville . Some open air activities such as walking or riding on horse or sailing on raft or kayak will attract visitors. A gite of ecological mountains set specifically for facing the climate , taking into account the local culture , will enable visitors to accommodate.

The Wildlife on the National Park

Monts de Cristal is covered by ancient rainforests whose the majority of the space has never been touched by man.
We can observe a cloudy forest just on the top of the forest, where the clouds and the fog are constantly creating favorable conditions to the graspy epiphyte plants .Moreover , great charismatic mammals such as mandrill monkeys and elephants live there. This biodiversity center justifies the creation of a foundation for the preservation and continuous support to the park.